With development comes pollution, and though we love the benefits of a driven and vibrant economy no one likes the side effects a major example of which is air pollution. PM 2.5 refers to particulate matter, tiny little pieces of material, below 2.5 microns across which is danger size for your lungs. Particulate matter above 2.5 microns in diameter is still dangerous, but less so according to scientists. These particles are so small that thousands of them will hide in this full stop.
Particles this small will travel deep into your lungs because the body has no defence against particles this tiny. One of your best options is the stay indoors, although even indoor levels may be high if the levels outside are high. If you smoke cigarettes or use candles or cook with oil, then these activities will contribute to this PM 2.5 pollution. The particulate matter is about 30 times thinner than a human hair and mostly originates from car exhaust in a city environment.
Bangkok, the thriving capital of Thailand has been in the news for this reason recently, and Thai people are becoming a lot more serious about their health in terms of pollution in the air they breathe. Thre is a clear solution, of course, something I have personally avoided as it seems like a cultural copout as I point out here. LINK This easy and obvious solution is a breathing mask.
However, as you may already know, there are difficulties associated with wearing these masks especially in terms of this PM 2.5 size designation. Firstly, for those of you who remember the Swine Flu and Bird Flu scares or recent years, it became common knowledge that the masks commonly sold on every street corner had no effect whatsoever in dealing with threats as small as a virus. In fact, wearing a poorly rated mask for pathogen dangers can inherently increase your risk, as the mask material weaving is likely to prevent viruses escaping and therefore increase your probability of becoming ill
Smoke is PM 2.5 or lower, as are most dangerous fumes. Dust is generally higher than PM 2.5. A quick bout of research will show you that most pollution masks on the market today are rated at Pm 3.0 or above so it is very important that you do some research before spending your money. The links here will take you to masks rated for PM 2.5 and below.
Don't risk your health or that of your family by investing in the wrong pollution masks. Do your research in order to ensure that you have the correct protection to entrust your health to manufacturers who really care about your future.
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