Baby Driver is a 2018 crime heist caper movie written and directed by Edgar Wright, who also directed such gems as the Hot Fuzz trilogy thing with Simon 'I know Tom Cruise' Pegg.
The opening is very good and introduces the characters with depth. As primarily a heist movie it follows the formula of a rote action reveal along with the introduction of a suitably motley crew of criminals.
In this iteration of the same old story -is that unfair?- the characters are interesting, with Baby Driver himself certainly memorable, fleshed out and well played by Ansel Elgort. You may recognise him from The Fault in Our Stars.
The crew has its own interesting conflicts and generally believable motivations, as well as Jamie Foxx in an excellent role for him as the token psychopath. With Jon Hamm (Madmen), Jon Bernthal (The Punisher, The Walking Dead) and the ex-director of The Old Vic theatre in London who was in Seven too.
The fact that Baby sits through the briefings with his music playing, and is accepted to do so by the hard-talking tough boss who is blackmailing Baby to be there, is weirdly jarring and the first indication that this movie has only a vapourous connection with realism.Sp---- (Kevin; former megastar) performs as he always did. Shh.
The heist and chase scenes in Baby Driver are pretty epic, and throughout all the action sequences the characters manage to behave pretty realistically. This realism keeps up until, as Hollywood demands, it is too strict for artistic license and they conveniently throw it out of the car window, not literally of course.
The heist scenes are very good. Honestly, it makes me think about Heat, and games like Payday and GTA.
So, we have people getting hit by cars, people magically disappearing, and multiple people missing the suddenly and uncharacteristically heroic villain while he does a Hodor for the love interest.
Rather than spoil it any further, I'll conclude that Baby Driver is a goodish movie with some interesting performances and enough starriness to appeal to the goggle-eyes celeb worshipping set. If you don't mind unintelligible narrative breakdown in the final act, get it now.
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